Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Coffee and Casseroles

"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." I John 1:7

There really is a direct relationship between "followship" and fellowship and this verse makes that clear. Authentic fellowship is a blessed by-product of authentic Christ-following.

It is worth taking a closer look at the inspired insights contained in this verse.

Authentic fellowship is a result of conforming to Christ!

"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light" V. 7a

You can't be a follower if you aren't following Jesus and Jesus walks in the light!

What is the light?

The light is God's will and God's way as revealed in God's Word!

When you have a group of Christ followers each of whom are diligently committed to walk as Jesus walks those believers are going to be drawn together by their common love and their common life-style. That develops into authentic fellowship between authentic followers!

Authentic fellowship is a result of authentic connections!

".....we have fellowship with one another...." V. 7b

I have been a member of athletic teams and enjoyed the strong connection that develops from being team mates. I have a special connection with several of the pitchers I worked with when I was their catcher. We are still pretty close.

I have been a member of several civic organizations and built some strong connections from meeting together weekly, doing service projects together and enjoying social outings or trips. I still value some of those friendships!

But neither of those very pleasant and positive experiences pale in comparison to the depth of the friendships I have developed being part of a local congregation of passionate followers of Christ! As we have sincerely followed Christ together, worshipping together, serving together, praying together, sacrificing together, learning together, laughing together and weeping together.

The fellowship connection that is forged among authentic Christians passionately following Jesus together is a glimpse of Heaven on earth!

True Christian fellowship is the result of authentic conforming and authentic connections AND,

Authentic fellowship is the result of authentic cleansing.

"and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." 

"Followship" and fellowship go to a new level of satisfaction once death to self happens and leads the way to a cleansing of the heart by the blood of Jesus.

When you have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus the Holy Spirit can find a way into your mind to cleanse it as well as your selfish will.

Once your sin and self-interest have been crucified you become more sensitive to the voice of God. And, the Holy Spirit does a powerful work in your heart and mind and then takes up residence in your soul. When His Spirit bears witness with your spirit it gives you certainty, substance and a heart to share His love with others.

Also, the Spirit draws Christ-followers into fellowship with each other and with Jesus Christ. So, again, fellowship is a result of "followship" at a never before experienced level of obedient following!

Christian fellowship is SO MUCH more than having coffee or a casserole together. It is having a deep level spiritual connection with God and through His Spirit as you follow His Son!

Are you hungry for that sort of "followship?" 

Do you long for greater intimacy with God?

Follow Jesus into holiness and find the power of God's Spirit and the peace of His Presence! You will find a relationship that will redefine how you follow and how you fellowship!

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