Thursday, August 20, 2015

August 21, 2015

"Love never fails." I Corinthians 13:8

Love never fails but life fails big time when you fail to avail yourself of His love!

You've probably discovered that by now.

To paraphrase Paul's words here I would say, "Love works every time it is tried." But you must know how it works!

Avail yourself of God's love when everything else seems to be failing. When someone you love fails in their love for you, remember His love never fails and believe it!

When something you have always trusted proves unworthy of your trust, don't forget that His love never fails and avail yourself of it.

Even when you fail in your love for God or for someone who trusted in you, still His love for you will never fail. Avail yourself of it!

God IS love so how could His love ever fail? Love is His nature! He would have to cease existing in order for His love to cease!

Love never fails unless you fail to avail yourself of it.

His love never fails when you choose to give grace when you get grief!

His love never fails when you choose to complete rather than compete!

His love never fails when you choose to behave like you believe!

His love never fails when you keep you love centered in the Savior!

His love never fails when you are confident His affection is your protection!

His love will never fail when you are confident in His character!

His love will never fail when you are led by your devotion not by your emotion.

Love never fails.

If  it seems that love has failed you it is because you have failed to avail yourself of it. But it doesn't fail so it's still available to you!

Love works every time it is tried!

Try it!

Then keeping trying!

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