Friday, May 1, 2015

May 1, 2015

“He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.” Luke 10:27-28

This is known as the Great Commandment and if you obey it and observe it you will live! If you don’t then you won’t know life.

That’s big! Real big!

In my last post I pointed out that this Scripture not only tells you how to love God but also shows you how God loves you!

He is totally committed to loving you!

He loves you will all His heart! And He has a big heart!

He loves you will all His soul! Every part of His essence and being is devoted to loving you!

He loves you with all His strength! Wow! When you are omnipotent and created the universe in a word, that’s a strong love!

He loves you with all of His mind! God is omniscient and all wise so that is quite a mind! That’s a lot of love!

So, no wonder His love gives life to you since all of His life is involved in His love!

It is up to you to receive His love, enjoy it and demonstrate it toward others. You can only accomplish that if you allow Him to love through you- through your heart and through your soul and through your strength and through your mind.

How does that happen?


It is not an easy task to surrender your heart, soul, strength and mind to receive His love. And you can’t fully receive His love until you are emptied of yours. That hurts!


If you will seek His love and surrender to His love He will shed His love abroad in your heart! He will fill your soul with His holy love! He will strengthen you in your inner being with the Spirit of His love, the Holy Spirit! He will transform your mind and renew it with His love!


You will know you have His love because His life will happen in your life. And as you continue to die to Him live in His love, you will experience the evidence of abundant life and you will enjoy the assurance of eternal life!

As His love is manifest in your life another thing will happen, He will love through you! Others will be touched by His love through the love you show toward them!

Jesus wants to love you to life! Then He wants to love others into His life through you.

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