Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 10, 2014

"The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe."  Proverbs 18:10

Nearly 3,000 perished in the smoke and flames and toxic fumes in the twins towers on 9-11-01. Fortunately, Many were able to run out of the buildings to safety before they collapsed into a huge pile of rubble. No one who remained in the building survived.

Who can forget the awful images of desperate people who made the dreadful decision to leap out of the upper stories of the building rather than succumb to the flames and the fumes? How terrifying that must have been.

Thousands of people were able to escape the building and make it to safety while at the same time scores of firefighters and first responders were running into the building attempting to save lives. Many of them who ran in lost their lives attempting to rescue others.

In sharp contrast to those seeking to run out of those doomed towers and make it to safety, the Bible tells us that "the righteous run" INTO the Strong Tower in order to survive! How amazing is that?!

You may be wondering, "How do I run into the Strong Tower?"

There is a condition - "the righteous"

To run to the Strong Tower you must be made righteous by the blood of Christ. You must accept the sacrifice that Christ made for your sins on the cross. Only the righteous are granted entrance into the Tower.

There is a choice - "run"

When you are eager, you run! When you are excited, you run! When you are fearful you run! You choose to run for a number of reasons. Choose to run into the arms of the Lord for safety, and for security and for comfort!

There is a confession - "call on the Name of the Lord" and climb into Him by faith. Romans 10:13 says, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."

The Name of the Lord is a Strong Tower! Run into it!

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