Sunday, June 30, 2013

June 30, 2013

"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people" Proverbs 14:34
We have spent the week considering this Proverb about the power of righteousness. With the turn of events and the rapid decline of our culture it is easy to be overcome and feel helpless.
You don't have to! Let me remind you of the power of righteousness! Righteousness exalts! Solomon understood that and so did our Founders. The Founding Fathers were so sure of it that they pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.

Let me share three reasons why righteousness is powerful:

Righteousness is powerful because it is a relationship.

Righteousness is being made right with God through a faith relationship with Jesus Christ. Righteousness is making a total surrender to God's unconditional love.

The thing that often keeps one from finding righteousness is an unwillingness to give up his rights. Jesus said if anyone would come after Him he must "deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow Him". Putting self and selfish desires ahead of the will of God is the essence of sin.

Until being right with God is more important that having your rioowghts, you will not find righteousness.

Righteousness is powerful because it demands responsibility.

This verse implies that actions have consequences. It says, "Righteousness EXALTS, sin CONDEMNS."  "Exalt" means to "lift" or to "elevate" that sounds like a good consequence! And, it says, "Sin" means to "miss the mark" or "fall short of the glory of God." That sounds like a negative consequence to me!

When you understand you will be rewarded when you do righteously and you will also suffer when you choose to sin.

Human nature is wired for self-destruction and left unchecked or undisciplined it will bring you down. A wise man will put himself under discipline and be accountable so he can resist the temptations of life.

It takes power, supernatural power, to live righteously!

Righteousness is powerful because it has a reward.

The reward of righteousness is MORE righteousness! The reward of righteousness is Jesus!

Psalms says when you "delight yourself in the Lord, He gives you the desires of your heart!"

Solomon, writing in the Proverbs, declares that he believes in the power of righteous living. Do you?

Will you?

Will you enter into an intimate spirirtual relationship with Christ by faith?

Will you discipline yourself under the laws of God so you can live righteously?

Will you sacrifice all for the great rewards righteousness brings?


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