Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 12, 2013

"My son, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands within you,  so that you incline your ear to wisdom,"  Vv. 1-2a

One of the main themes of the Book of Proverbs is "we are foolish by nature".

To the writer of the Proverbs foolish had more to do with the moral and spiritual nature than the IQ level. Since we are born as sinners we are born fools!

Nowadays we might say "we are stuck on stupid".

Solomon wrote the Proverbs to remind us that we are "stuck on stupid" and gives 31 chapters of how to get "unstuck" and acquire wisdom.

Chapter 2 is especially timely for this week leading up Father's Day because it talks about a father seeking to teach his son how to gain wisdom. He shares four important keys to gaining wisdom from a wise father:


Wow! Those are four hard things for men to do! Especially the listening part. Men are notoriously bad listeners!

A young man was driving up a steep, winding and narrow mountain road. Going round a tight corner, he notices a woman driver who is coming in the opposite direction begin to lean out of her window. As they pass each other she yells at him - "PIG!!!!"

The man immediately leans out of his window and screams back at her, "WITCH!!!"

Each continues on their way, and as the man rounds the next bend he crashes into a pig, right in the middle of the road!

If only men would listen!

So, if you want to "wise up". If you are tired of being stuck on stupid you need to begin listening to God and to wise godly men.

"Incline your ear to wisdom" says the Proverbs writer. Lean toward wisdom with a ready ear! Listen to what your father has to say about right and wrong and listen to what your Heavenly Father has to say through His Word.

Are you listening?


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