Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6, 2013

“What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him. The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.” “Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road." Mark 10:51-52
Hans Janssen and his son Zacharias were spectacle makers in the Netherlands at the end of the 16th century. They experimented with combinations of lenses secured inside a metal tube and are credited with inventing the first compound microscope.
Looking through that first crude instrument revealed a whole new world that never been seen before with human eyes but a world with a definite impact on what is seen.  This world had been there all the time but thanks to the microscope it went from unseen to seen and allowed scientists a whole new understanding of the human body.
The shift from Seen to Unseen is like that. It can allow you to see things in the spiritual realm that have always been there, that are as real as the visible world, that effect the visible world but you cannot see apart from faith.
In the Gospels Jesus healed about half a dozen blind people. Blindness was not just a physical malady it was also a metaphor for spiritual blindness. Not only did these formerly bind folks gain their eyesight but they were given spiritual insight.
Bartimaeus is an example of one who was given his sight because of his faith. The first face he saw was the face of Jesus. How good is that? If that doesn't change you, what will?
Not only is this an inspirational story but it is instructive as well! I want you to note how he responded to Jesus before and after his healing.
First, he knew what he wanted Jesus to do for him. "I want to see!" he declared concisely and with conviction. Most blind beggars asked for food or money but Bartimaeus wanted a miracle.
What do you want God to do for you? Do you know? Could you answer Him with conviction?
Second, he asked with faith. Obviously, he believed Jesus was able to give him what he asked. Otherwise, why would he have asked with such certainty and convictions? Jesus acknowledged as much when He declared, "Your FAITH has healed you."
Do you believe God can give you what you ask from Him? Do you even have enough faith to ask?
Third, he continued his faith by following Jesus. He didn't take his miracle and run as some did. Now that he could see he wanted to grasp the unseen. He followed by faith because he wanted more faith.
Bartimaeus moved from unseeing to seeing so he could shift to the unseen.
There is so much to be seen ---- in the unseen. Are you ready to see? Will you pray like Bartimaeus, "I want to see!"

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