Friday, April 20, 2012

April 21, 2012

 "He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel:"  Psalm 103:7

Moses was one of the greatest men of God ever to walk the planet. That comes as no surprise to anyone who has ever read the Bible even casually.

If you want to know what to expect from God there is no better case study that Moses. He knew what to expect from God because of how well he knew God!

One of the great themes of this series on what to expect from God is this "your expectations of God will arise from your experience with God." 

I don' think that point is even debatable.

But it does raise the question, "How did Moses experience God?"

His experience with God began from an encounter with God through a burning bush.

Burning bushes were not uncommon in the searing desert heat, but this bush burned - and burned - and burned - and burned - and never was consumed. That caught Moses' attention and when he drew near to investigate it God spoke to him from that bush and placed a call on Moses' life.

From the moment Moses reluctantly accepted God's call he entered into a personal spiritual experience that changed his life and caused his life to change the world!

So, Moses became a mighty man of God because of an initimate personal faith experience with the Living God. That experience began with a personal encounter with God. And out of that personal spiritual experience with God arose his history changing expectations of God in delivering His people and developing them into a nation.

Our 2012 world is in desperate need of godly men and women who know exactly what to expect from a Holy, Loving and Mighty God! But that won't happen without modern day believers who are experiencing God in a powerful personal spiritual relationship. Like Moses, they need to know God's ways and not just His deeds.

But, that level of spiritual experience won't happen without some personal transforming encounters with God! That is the pressing need of our day!

Have you had a life-changing encounter with the Living God through Jesus Christ?

Have you followed that encounter with a personal daily spiritual experience with God through Christ? Are you experiencing His Word daily? Are you aware of His presence daily? Are you walking in obedience daily? Are you hearing His voice through prayer and study of the Word? Is there spiritual fruit produced in your life on a daily basis?

If you cannot honestly answer these questions in the affirmative, are you willing to seek a fresh encounter with God?

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