Saturday, April 28, 2012

April 28, 2012

"The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.” He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.  However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”  Luke 10:17-20

What can you expect from God?

In the first two weeks we have learned some solid truths about healthy expectations of God.

Week one there were three truths from the encounter between David and Goliath. First, you can expect that if God allows a giant to appear before you it is to prove that His power is greater than the giant. Second, you can expect if God places a giant before you so He can raise up the giant within you. Third, you can expect that when God raises up the giant within you it is so you can raise up giants around you!
Last week we learned that we should expect God to help us get through our personal Jordan.

Sunday we will learn the third expectation - you can expect God to give you joy.

Do you have joy in your faith?

Do you live in spiritual joy?

I believe God desires for you to have joy. The disciples discovered joy in this text and gave Jesus great joy.

There are two sources of joy that I want to call your attention to in this encounter.

Expect Joy From God As You Celebrate Your Salvation - "However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” 

The ultimate and ongoing source of spiritual joy must be found in your salvation.

If you cannot comprehend and celebrate the significance of your salvation in Christ, you will never be able to experience true joy.

These disciples were sent out by Jesus on a spiritual mission trip. As they went from town to town in His authority they saw demons cast out and diseases healed. Imagine how must joy they must have experienced and how much joy they must have given others! After completing a successful mission they returned to Jesus greatly hyped by what they had seen and done.

Jesus' response to them was significant. You need to hear it and understand it.

He told them not to get too impressed with the signs and wonders but to be very impressed by their salvation. Joy arises as you begin to grasp the greatness of your salvation wrought by Christ and bought by His blood.

Salvation brings forgiveness of your sins! What joy that brings!

Salvation redeemed you! That means His blood paid the price to buy you back out of the debts of your sins. That brings joy!

Salvation adopted you into God's family as His child and joint-heir with Christ. What a joyful realization!

Salvation regenerates you! That means His Spirit brings life to your spirit which was dead in its sins. What a joyous truth!

Salvation brings you into a personal relationship with God through Christ. You can walk with God and talk to God and hear His voice and feel His presence once you have been saved! The joy of the Lord becomes your joy!

Salvation connects you with eternal life! When you come into relationship with God through Christ, His life flows into the eternal part of you and your name is written into the heavenly Book of Life! Knowing you have received eternal life brings real joy!

The truth could not be more clear or simple to understand. If you want deep constant and abiding joy - spend your time meditating on and celebrating the great joys inherent in your salvation! If you cannot be joyful over your salvation nothing will ever give you joy.

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