Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 7, 2011

Before I post today's devotional thought let me take a moment to honor a great man of God, Dr. Billy Graham on his 93rd birthday! What a national treasure he is!

EKG Day 31 Devotional

What does it mean to pray in Jesus' Name? It first means that we have established a personal relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. But in addition, it means that we address the Father with the same commitment and misson as His Son. It means that His Son's passion has become our priority.

* It is a confident prayer of a child who knows his Father is in the heacens, far beyond all that we will ever comprehend , yet nonetheless so near that He knows what we need before we ask Him.
* This is the prayer of the child who knows his Father's name is holy and whose passion is to manifest the Father's holiness in his own life.
* It's the prayer of the child who know his Father's name is holy and whose passion is to manifest the Father's holiness in his own life.
* It's the prayer of the child who knows that his Father's kingdom is paramount and whose first desire is to advance that kingdom.
* It's the prayer of the child who knows his Father is trustworthy, and therefore he submits his will to that of the Father.
* It's the prayer of the child whose first desire is to enjoy the Father's reward.

Two-thirds of the Lord's Prayer addresses the issues of the Father, and only one-third speaks about our personal needs. In thiking about my own prayer life, I realized that I often reveresed that order. I usually spent the largest amount of my prayer time on my own wants and needs.

But kingdom praying is not about informing God. He already knows!

Kingdom praying is not about convincing God to side with us. He already has! Kingdom praying is about enjoying God's presence and discovering His purpose.

Is this what you're already doing? Or, are you ready with all of your heart to start praying this way today?

How does your awareness of the Kingdom and of the intimate Father-child relationship you have with God make this prayer a personal experience rather than a ritual to repeat in coporate worship.

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