Friday, July 15, 2011

July 15, 2011

"There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts."   Psalm 46:4-6

When trouble comes your way, there is a refuge!

Also, when trouble comes there is a river!

What is the significance of that?

Rivers are life-giving bodies of water. They supply a steady and reliable source of water. Most great cities of the wold are situated near a river because of the fresh water supply the  river provides. Also the river provides recreational opportunities for boating, sailing, fishing and swimming. Rivers provide navigation and transportation to allow life-sustaining supplies to be delivered and items to be sent out in trade. The great rivers like the Potomac or the Mississippi or the Nile or the Amazon support and sustain great cities along its banks. In the Bible we are told that when God created Eden, the first paradise, He put a river in the midst of it. We know that there is a crystal river flowing in the midst of the New Jerusalem in Heaven.

Rivers are important! In times of trouble a river can provide a calming influence. Sitting on the banks of a river and watching the boats and barges drift by can be a very calming experience. Wading in the river or going for a swim in the river can be quite calming. It is a good place to retreat when troubles plague you.

While all these benefits are true of an actual river, there is also a spiritual symbolism here. Many have opined that the reference to a river here represents the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. I like that!

Get your mind and spirit around the thought that in troubled times you can flee to God the Refuge and to God the River. Or, take refuge in the Father and find comfort in the Holy Spirit!

Is God is your "Refuge" and He is also your River. Will you flee to Him? Will you hide in Him? Will you rest in your Refuge?

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