Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 9, 2009

"As they traveled from town to town, they delivered the decisions reached by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem for the people to obey. So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers." Acts 16:4-5
Reading through Acts, I have been encouraged in a new way. Like everyone else, I have always enjoyed reading about the explosive growth of the Church from the Day of Pentecost and the weeks following. The Apostles did amazing signs and wonders and the believers demonstrated amazing love and incredible sacrifices to minister to needs. Their faith became contagious.
During this period the Church showed unprecedented growth. Some historians estimate that as many as 500,000 were converted in and around Jerusalem. By the testimony of the Jewish leaders they "filled Jerusalem with their doctrine".
Who would not find that exciting? Who would not be thrilled to see new converts added to their church on a daily basis. Come on!
I have been part of a church that saw people saved on a weekly basis, but never have I experienced a fellowship that saw people saved every day!
Understandably, no one can expect to maintain that sort of momentum for an extended period of time. The "big mo" is hard to get and even harder to keep.
But today as I am reading in Acts 15, I come across this verse, "So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers."
Wow! There's that daily thing again!
Months have passed since Pentecost. They had the problem with the widows being neglected and they dealt with that crisis. The Church has faced persecution that forced it to scatter. Believers have been arrested and martyred and threatened wherever they went. In addition to the persecutions, they faced the controversy of the Gospel being preached to the Gentiles. They had the constant intrusion of the Judaizers, Jewish believers who tried to impose circumcision and other Jewish practices on the Gentile believers. They even overcame a sharp disagreement between key leaders Paul and Barnabas, even though they came to a parting of the ways.
So, despite all these attacks from within and from the outside, here they are still reaching people on a daily basis!
As a church leader, I find that exciting. That tells me that with wise, unified, godly leadership, churches can face challenges and obstacles and oppostition and still maintain their ministry edge.
This is not as exciting as the signs and wonders and deliverences, but it is the stuff of effective ongoing ministry. It is no less a sign of the power of the Holy Spirit to wade through these challenges and distractions to keep the fellowship united and on mission. That takes supernatural wisdom and courage.
It reminds me of that statement of my friend, John Maxwell, "Everything rises and falls on leadership" - leadership that is lead by the Spirit. That is what I long to do.
God, give us leaders like that so that we can have churches like that!

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