Thursday, February 22, 2018

Control Is An Illusion

"Do not be anxious about anything....." Philippians 4:6

Anxiety entered the human experience when Eve would rather have control than trust God's sovereignty. Adam foolishly agreed with her.

Ironically, their craving for control sent life spinning out of control. 

So, the roots of anxiety are in rebellion against God's sovereignty. And the level of anxiety rises in direct proportion to your continued resistance to His control over your life!

To review:
  • Anxiety is an emotion not a sin, but it can cause you to sin. 
“Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap." Luke 21:34
  • Anxiety empowers us when we demand control of our lives and resist living under God's sovereign control.
  • So, anxiety is a decision not a prison.

The Hawaiians had a word for anxiety they coined to describe the white Westerners who came to pursue their fortunes in the tropical paradise. That word was "haole" and it meant "breathless" because that is how these driven and ambitious foreigners seemed to the Islanders. They were so intent on possessing and building and controlling their own little empires it seemed they barely had time to breath.

Does that sound familiar?

Do you know anyone like that?

I mentioned Latin word for anxiety means to "choke" or "to squeeze". That is a great description of how it feels when you insist on controlling your life while resisting God's control over it.

Excepting a life-altering trauma, some mental or emotional disorder, anxiety is rooted in rebellion against God's sovereignty or control over the affairs of your life! And continued repeated resistance to His will and His control will cause a rise in the level of your anxiety.

It is like the definition of insanity. Insanity is continuing to do the same thing while expecting anew result. That will never happen!

If you want to change your behavior you will need to first change your belief! 

Life is beyond your control! Even when you think you have it under control you don't. Control is an illusion that can become a delusion!

Only God is able to control the events and circumstances of your life. He is Sovereign!

Anxiety will plague your life, rob your joy, sap your energy, steal your enthusiasm and trouble your sleep until you relinquish control of your life unto Jesus!

Will you surrender to His sovereignty today and catch your breath?

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