Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 31, 2010

"Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." Acts 2:46-47
I am getting ready to head out to Williamsburg to lead a meeting of pastors. Following a quick lunch I will head back to Fredericksburg to change clothes and travel to Staunton for a funeral visitation. On the round-trip to Williamsburg I will enjoy the company of Pastor Colin. When I get to Staunton I will do my best to comfort the Tippeys and Loura's grieving family.
Tomorrow I will head back to Staunton to attend the funeral.
Our faith is a sharing faith. Our faith is meant to be lived in close communion with Christ and with followers of Christ. Just as God put us in family units he places His people in families called local churches.
The power of the Early Church was how well they did life together. Their commitment to Christ was demonstrated in how they cared for one another. In fact, they did life together so well that others wanted in. Lonely people wanted in. Lost people wanted in. And people were getting saved on a daily basis.
I have been blessed to be part of a fellowship like that. It is good! Real good! I long to be used by God to develop a fellowship like that at FredWes. No, it isn't easy and it doesn't happen quickly. But it can happen and - I believe it is beginning to happen!
Will you help me? Will you chase God in your own spiritual life? Will you share life with those God has placed you with in our local church? Will you begin today? Will you pray for Rich and Loura and her family?
I am so thankful I get to do life with you! I look forward to God adding lonely people and lost people to our fellowship because of the way we love God together and the way we love each other!

Monday, August 30, 2010

August 30, 2010

"His lord said to him, Well done, good and true servant: you have been true in a small thing, I will give you control over great things: take your part in the joy of your lord." Matthew 25:23

This is the age of the 24/7, 365 news cycle so everyone is looking for the next big personality and the next spectacular story. It is understandable in a medium that must draw ratings to survive (unless you are CNN or MSNBC).

But often lost in this are the people who really make America work and who are the genius of America's greatness. These are the millions who do the right things for the right reasons every day. Their faithfulness in the "small things" form the backbone of our culture. Maybe they are unnoticed by the mass media but not by the people who benefit from their dependability.

Perhaps you are one of these dependable "go to" people and wonder if anyone notices or who cares. If you are wondering whether it is worth it I have good news for you! According to our verse for this morning, God notices small things done well! (He also keeps track of the things done wrong!)

The Bible is replete with stories of "back bench" people who just showed up every day and did small things well.

My favorite is Andrew. He was one of the disciples who didn't get much notice but the few times he shows up in the New Testament he is bringing someone to Jesus.

It was Andrew who brought his brother, Peter to Jesus. Peter became an essential player in the establishment of the Church. It was Andrew who brought the little lad with the lunch to Jesus. Five loaves of bread and two fish - a simple lunch and a small act of generosity "hooked up" by Andrew. Remember how that turned out? Miraculous!

Over nearly forty years serving in local churches I have developed a profound appreciation for those servants who labor in obscurity doing those tasks that no one else wants to do but are essential to the function of the church. While most never get the notoriety they deserve, Jesus notices and He keeps track. Without those choice servants there would be no great churches like Saddleback or Crystal Cathedral or Willow Creek or First Baptsit of Atlanta, or Spotswood or Parkway Wesleyan - or FredWes. Apart from those scores of unheralded heroes no one would have heard of Rick Warren, or Dr. Schuller, or Bill Hybels, or Joel Osteen, or Charles Stanley, or Andy Stanley - or, you name it.......
Think about it, some unknown person changed Charles Stanley's diaper in a church nursery somewhere in Southern Virginia. Someone told Bible stories to Rick Warren and helped him fall in love with Jesus. You have no idea what God will do in the lives of those you care for or teach Sunday after Sunday that you sacrifice your opportunity for worship in order to minister to them.
Here's what I know about faithful servants in a local church. The secret service saints ministering in the shadows do more to make churches great and pastors successful than the other way around. So, here is my tribute to those of you who serve!
I love you! I appreciate you! I know the value of what you do! And to a much greater extent - so does God!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 29, 2010


Week Ten – “Faith Works Out In A Healthy Body” James 5:13-20

There was once a man who owned a GREAT DANE-and this Great Dane was not only extremely large-he was also a very ferocious dog. Picture him in your mind as sort of a "mean Marmaduke." He was a huge muscular animal with jaws of iron, a mouth full of sharp teeth-seemingly invincible. He was definitely not the kind of dog you would want jumping up in your lap. Well, one day the owner of this monster of a dog took him for a walk. Actually, I'm not sure who was walking who-but as they strolled through the neighborhood he saw another man across the street who was also walking his dog. However, unlike the Great Dane, THIS DOG was little. He had short legs, a pug-like head, and no tail. He had no hair-and instead his squat body was covered with green leathery skin. In short, he was a very ODD looking dog-and compared to the GREAT DANE he appeared to be very weak and powerless. The owner of the GREAT DANE was staring at this other little dog when the GREAT DANE-who had been looking the other way growling at a little old lady-this GREAT DANE suddenly turned his huge head and caught his first sight of this odd little dog. Well, the Dane immediately strained against the leash until it snapped in two. Then he charged across the street at top speed obviously intending to attack this odd-looking little K-9. The owner of the Great Dane yelled to the man across the street, "LOOK OUT! My dog is on the loose and he's vicious! He will kill you and that little dog of yours! RUN for your life!!!!" But, it was too late-the GREAT DANE was already at top speed, teeth bared but when he leaped to attack, the odd little dog bared its teeth and simply opened his mouth unbelievably wide and SWALLOWED the Great Dane whole. Then he began smacking his lips in satisfaction as if he had just enjoyed a great meal. Well, that was the end of that big, mean GREAT DANE. The owner of the GREAT DANE was absolutely astonished by what he had just witnessed. And he said to the other man, "What kind of dog is that?! I'm a real expert on dogs and I have never seen a little dog that could do what your little dog just did!" Then man replied, "Dog? What dog? This is not a dog. Before he got his nose run over by a truck and his tail cut off by a train, this used to be an ALLIGATOR!"


Over these Summer months we have been studying James and learned that the central theme of this great Book is “faith without works is dead”. That is why we entitled this series “FAITH WORKS OUT”. This morning we conclude that study by looking at James’ last words where he claims faith works out in a healthy body.

Last words are very important………….

The proper exercise of prayer works out healthy relationships! Here James speaks of three types of prayer that produce three types of healthy relationships.

I. Prayer Works Out For Yourself, V. 13– PERSONALPRAYER


The first healthy relationship you need is a healthy personal relationship with God. That is only possible through prayer – intimate prayer! One of the keys to intimate prayer is to see prayer as RELATIONSHIP NOT as a RESOURCE….

The word in the Greek literally means, “to suffer misfortune, to be in distress, to be under stress, to be under tension”……

You may be dealing with a variety of issues……. - James says, “You must pray.” When you’re under tension you have two choices. Turning to God – or turning away from God. James encourages us to turn to God.

That is how faith works out – through INTIMATE prayer with a God Who knows you intimately and longs to be intimately known by you.

The sign of a healthy relationship is a Christian whose first response is to pray when under stress or pain. When you love someone you want to share your heart with him. There are times in life when we rejoice. There are other times when we weep. The word “praise” is used 550 times in the Bible. It is to be the lifestyle of the Christian. When things are going well in your life – Praise God. When you are suffering – Pray to God.



II. Prayer Works Out For Sufferers, Vv. 14-16 – POWERFUL PRAYER

WHAT IT SAYS: (READ SCRIPTURE) - There has been much debate over verses 14 through 16.

The word "sick" can mean both a physical sickness (as in the gospels), or weak in faith (20 out of 34) In verse 15, the word "sick" can refer to someone who has become weary. So James could be speaking about those who have grown weary spiritually because of their afflictions.

Regardless of the different opinions, James outlines what must be done.

1) - the one who is sick, must call for the church elders (plural, not singular).

2) - when the elders come, they are to pray over them and anoint them with oil (probably olive oil). It was the custom during James' time period to anoint the sick with a mixture of oil, wine, and water. The term "anointing" carries the idea of "to rub over”…..
3) - there needs to be confession of sin. Verse 15 speaks of the forgiveness for the sick person's confessed sin, and verse 16 says that everyone who is involved needs to confess their sins. In fact, the context of this verse seems to advocate entering into a very vulnerable and transparent relationship of confession and accountability which will enable them to “get healed” or released from the bondage of destructive sinfulness…….

FROM PERSONAL PRAYER GROWS RELATIONSHIP. FROM POWERFUL PRAYER GROWS FELLOWSHIP! See how the health of a church develops out a spiritual environment like this?

III. Prayer Works Out For Strugglers, Vv. 17-20 – PREVAILING PRAYER

Tony Campolo, A Baptist minister, was invited to speak at a college in Valley Forge Penn. He drove to the college and before he spoke several men took him in the back room and began to pray for him, that God would use his speech.
While these men were praying, one man, just off the cuff began praying "And Lord, about Burt Harris. Lord, Burt Harris needs you really badly. Because he lives in that trailer down the street and he is considering leaving his wife and family. And Lord if you could just get through to Burt Harris...that would be great." and then went on with his prayer.
Campolo thought, "that is strange that he should pray that here." He went out and he spoke and finished his message and then he got in his car and was driving home. And he picked up a hitch-hiker. He said he knew that he wasn’t supposed to pick up hitch-hikers, but he thought, ’being a preacher, anytime I can get a captive audience, I’ll take advantage of it."
So he gets this guy in the car and he is talking to him and he says, "By the way, what is your name?" and the man said, "Burt Harris". Campolo stopped the car, turned it around and immediately headed the opposite direction. The man looked at him and said, "What are you doing?" Campolo said, "I am taking you back to your wife and family whom you are trying to leave."
The man went white! He never said another word, he sat there speechless and Campolo drove him straight up to this guys trailer. And the guy says, "How do you know where I live?" Campolo said, "God told me." (in a way He really had.)
Campolo said "I took this guy inside his home and the family and marriage was restored and God did an exciting thing."

One of the most revered men among the Jews was Elijah. And rightly so! He was a powerful prophet mightily used of God and who was rewarded with one of the awesome exits any human being has experienced - remember the firey chariot thing? REMEMBER MT. CARMEL?

Elijah's passion was to call sinners back to God. In particular, he wanted to call the people of God back to their God. Everything he did was for that purpose. The dramatic events on Mt. Carmel were for that end. And that is the point of what James is saying here, "We need the spirit of Elijah in prevailing prayer for lost or straying people!" That prevailing prayer can only happen when God's people in God's Church will enter into healthy personal relationship and into powerful healthy fellowship and then God will encourage them in prevailing intercession for the lost!

There were very few of these episodes that you could consider emotionally touching. But I do remember one. Gilligan had gotten his feelings hurt and decided to move away to the other side of the Island to live alone in a cave. Immediately, this became a miserable existence for Gilligan—he was all alone. But also miserable for everyone else on the island—one of their own was no longer among them, in fellowship with them...and there was a terrible void. They missed him at the dinner table. They missed his jokes, his laughter, his gentleness. They even missed his clumsy screw-ups. I think at one point in the episode they were sitting around the dinner table taking turns talking about the specific things they missed about him. So what did they do? I think it began with Skipper. He decided to leave the rest and go live with Gilligan so he wouldn’t be alone. Then another person did the same. Then another. Until finally, all seven people were together again on the other side of the island in Gilligan’s cave. In true spiritual community, we either make it together, or we don’t make it...at least not in a healthy way.

That my friends, is a healthy church! That is what I envision. That is my passion. That is better than healings and it will become a healing place!


PERSONAL PRAYER – Out of personal prayer grows relationship – HOW IS YOUR PERSONAL PRAYER?

POWERFUL PRAYER – Out of confession and accountability grows fellowship – HOW POWERFUL IS YOUR PRAYER?

PREVAILING PRAYER – Out of intercession grows discipleship – WHO ARE YOU PRAYING FOR?

Friday, August 27, 2010

August 28, 2010

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14
I will be late posting today because at 6:00 a.m. this morning I will be boarding a bus for DC to attend the 8/28 Restoring Honor Rally on the National Mall in front of the Lincoln Memorial. There will be hundreds of thousands of concerned Americans gather to call on God and humble ourselves before Him.
Please time some time to pray between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Let's see what God will do!
I will have a full report this evening when I return.
Well, I'm back from a great day with 500,000 of my closest friends! God WAS honored and all the things that make America a great nation were celebrated. You could not be there and not be proud to be an American!
What happens from here remains to be seen. The skeptical side of me says that a vast majority of those who gave up a Saturday and came across the nation to attend this event are likely people who possess a hugh level of virtue and character already. Glenn Beck probably was preaching to the choir for the most part, but all of us can use of reminder and need to be challenged to do what we know to be right.
His message that only God can restore America is the truth and he is the only high profile media person I know of who is saying that. The primary reason I went was to support his courage in taking that stand.
Honor will be restored one person at a time as each decides to honor God and live a moral life. God has saved our nation before, He can do it again. It just takes some faithful people who commit to honor him with their lives and who refuse to be bought, bargained with, or belittled by foes. They will remain faithful to God and to the
Will you be one of those?

August 27, 2010

Before I post the devotional thought this morning, I want to wish my youngest son, Marcus, a happy birthday. My baby boy turns 32 today. He is a great dad and hard-working young man. I am proud of him and love him very much!
"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16
Let me ask you a question. Is there something more important than healing in the church?
I guess it matters what your priorities are.
But, if I understand what James is telling us here, God values spiritual health above physical health. And if I am understanding the Scriptures correctly (and that's my job) God is saying that is easier for Him to heal your body than it is to give you spiritual health.
What are you talking about, Brad?
Let me explain it this way. Were I to ask, "How many of you would like physical healing?" I would imagine I would recieve unanimous agreement.
Were I to ask, "How many of you want to be spiritually healthy" I am not so sure I would get such an enthusiastic response.
See, God can heal you physically because He is able and you are willing. But for you to be spiritually healthy you must surrender your will completely to Him and humbly obey Him. The same will that would allow Him to heal you physically might prevent Him from blessing you with spiritual health.
Spiritual health requires personal prayer. When you are troubled you share it with God in prayer. When you are happy, you praise Him with prayer and rejoicing. Essentially, what James is saying is that you and I must take personal responsibility for our personal spiritual health. Your spiritual and mental and emotional health is your responsibility (in cooperation with God).
Spiritual health also requires powerful prayer. What is powerful prayer? According to James, powerful prayer is the result of believers being completely honest before God and transparent with each other. Submitting to confession and accountability is the price for powerful prayer and spiritual health. Oh, by the way, something else happens too - physical healing!
Finally, spiritual health requires prevailing prayer. Prevailing prayer? James urges us to pray for those who are spiritually drifting and separated from God. You might call it intercessory prayer and you would be correct. But I want to tell you that when you combine personal prayer with powerful prayer you get prevailing prayer and God's Spirit moves on people! Especially, lost people!
So, physical healing is easier than spiritual health. They are related but they are not the same. Fortunately, you can have both!
If we can have both why then do churches often have neither?
Frankly, it is because we would rather be happy than holy. We would rather be comfortable than committed. We don't want to hold others accountable to be holy because their sins and shortcomings make us feel more comfortable with our own. Honestly, we are more comfortable with our sins than we are with His Spirit. We are more comfortable with our secrets than with His sanctifying presence.
So, you wonder why there are so many struggling Christians and unhealthy churches?
Go figure........

Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 26, 2010

"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16

Why are my sins important to anyone else - unless I happen to sin against them? James seems to indicate that my sins could be a problem to you and and yours to me because the church is a body - The Body of Christ!

I guess the first question to ask is, "What is the Church?"

As I mentioned, the church is the Body of Christ, but the name for the Church in Scripture is "eklessia". It literally means "called out". The Church is the Body of the "called out ones".

Called out from what? Called out to what?

Good questions!

Being the Body of Christ you can easily reason that the Church would be called out from sin. Don't you think that is reasonable? So, if you are called out from sin and you continue to sin how does that impact the Body? If I continue to sin or if I sin against you, doesn't that impact the Body?

Being the Body of Christ you can also logically assume that we are called out to God. I mean, who is it that would call us out of the world other than God? So, if the Church is called out from sin and to God, how do you think sin affects that?

Being the Body of Christ we are called together. You are called out and I am called out and together we are the Church. So, if we are called out together how does sin impact that relationship? If I sin against you doesn't that create some stress or tension in our relationship? Of course. And vice versa.

Think about what sin does. Sin separates us from God. How can that be good for the Church that is called out by God for God?

Sin also complicates. Once Adam and Eve sinned their lives got immediately complicated. Sin harms relationships, impairs judgment, stirs up guilt and alienates us from God. How does complicating life enhance the Church? It doesn't!

Just those two problems caused by sin are damaging enough to the Church to make the case that sin needs to be dealt with within the Church if the Church is to fulfill its mission as the Body of Christ called out of the world.

James prescribes drastic action to deal with sin. Confess them to each other and prayer for each other. When you know what my sins are and I know what your sins are then I can pray specifically for God to strengthen you. I can also do something else significant, I can hold you accountable. You can hold me accountable. We will each know how seriously the other is dealing with our sins. Transparency and accountability are effective weapons against sin in the church. If I am intentionally standing against my sin and you are standing with me against my sin, doesn't it make sense that I will be stronger in resisting sin?

Sin prospers in the darkness but whithers in the sunlight (Sonlight) of truth. James says expose it to the light of truth and shine the searchlight of accountability on it and you will be healed! When you are healed and I am healed guess what happens to the Church? Health!

So, why wouldn't you want to do that? Why would a church promote that?

We will discuss that in the next post!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 25, 2010

"Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops. My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, 20remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins." James 5:13-20
Some incredible things start happening when God's people begin understanding that prayer is a RELATIONSHIP not just a RESOURCE! Big changes happen when you understand that GOD IS your resource and not just the provider of them. You enter into a relationship with Him not to get something FROM Him but to get everything IN Him!
There is more good news! Can you handle that?
Look at what you get when you enter into a healthy relationship with God through prayer:
Personal Prayer - "Is anyone of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise." V. 13
James, in his final words, urges believers to live in an intimate relationship with God that is characterized by continual prayer. When you are hurting, pray! When you are happy, pray! No matter what is going on in your life share it with God. Center your life, your loves, and your longings on Him.
That is the foundation of a healthy relationship with God which is the foundation of all other healthy relationships.
Powerful Prayer - "Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." Vv. 14-16
People who are in healthy personal relationship with God have a great opportunity to live in heal thy relationship with each other. That is God's great ambition for us within His Church. And when healthy people come together to call upon their God and agree according to His Word in behalf of one another - powerful things happen! Healthy things happen! In fact, health happens!
For my entire life I have heard this portion of Scripture referred to as a prescription for physical healing. Now I understand it is, indeed, that. BUT it is significantly more than that! It is the path to health!
A healthy church fellowship arises from healthy believers living in intimate relationship with God. When they come together to call up Him for a commonly agreed upon need, powerful things happen! Healthy things! Not only healing but health happens!
What do I mean by health? I refer to James' counsel to "confess your sins to each other and pray for each other that you may be healed". That sounds good doesn't it? That is a great promise on its face, but it is so much more than a one-time healing it is a prescription for ongoing health for individuals and for the church body! This is talking about two powerful spiritual disciplines - transparency and accountability. When practiced within a church prayer becomes power and the church becomes healthy!
James is advocating that we not settle just for physical healing but that we press for spiritual health. He expresses his belief that unhealthy spiritual and emotional issues contribute to many of our health problems. We do this by being transparent enough to confess to those in spiritual authority the sins that hold us in bondage. He tells us that when we do this and when we pray for each other for these sins healing and deliverence happens. Not only are we healed but we become healthy!
Prevailing Prayer - "Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops. My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins." James 5:17-20
One of the most revered men among the Jews was Elijah. Rightly so! He was a powerful prophet who was mightily used of God and who was rewarded with one of the awesome exits any human being has experienced - remember the firey chariot thing?
Who can forget his great victory on Mt. Carmel? James reminds us of how he caused a 3 1/2 year drought that led up to the victory on Mt. Carmel. He was one of the supernatural visitiors who appeared with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. This guy was special!
But James is saying we can be special too if we do the hard work of having a healthy relationship with God - a personal relationship and powerful relationship together. The reason that is true is because we serve the same God Elijah did. The same power is available to us if we will seek God and godliness has he did.
Elijah's passion was to call sinners back to God. In particular, he wanted to call the people of God back to their God. Everything he did was for that purpose. The dramatic events on Mt. Carmel we for that end. And that is the point of what James is saying here, "We need the spirit of Elijah in prevailing prayer for lost or straying people!" That prevailing prayer can only happen when God's people in God's Church will enter into healthy personal relationship and into powerful healthy fellowship and then God will encourage them in prevailing intercession for the lost!
That my friends is a healthy church! That is what I envision. That is my passion. That is better than healings and it will become a healing place!
You, my friend can be as powerful as Elijah! If you want to......

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August 24, 2010

"Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops. My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins." James 5:13-20

Last words are important. Last words of important people are especially important. Last words of important people talking about important things are very important.

So, as James draws this important Book to a conclusion what do you think his focus would be?

Since he has been reminding these believers what a healthy church looks like it would stand to reason that what he says would be most important and he would center on important stuff. What important stuff should a church know in order to be healthy?

According to what he writes in these last several verses, healthy relationships are essential to a healthy church fellowship. And healthy church relationships center around prayer, praise, personal purity, and passion for spiritually unresolved people. Healthy horizontal relationships result in healthy vertical relationships. The better we get along with one another the better we will get along with God and the better we relate to God the better we will relate to others - especially believers in our fellowship.

For years I have looked at this portion of Scripture and focused on the promise for healing. God does heal. But after He heals you, then what? How do you stay healthy? How do you become more healthy?

I think this is the focus of what James is communicating as he seeks to close an important letter filled with important reminders.

Let's explore some of these things together over the next several days.

I commented on prayer yesterday but there is much more to be said about it. Prayer IS the key to a healthy relationship with God and having a healthy relationship with Him is essential to your health. Praying with others is central to healthy relationships with them. Praying together with other believers is a key component of spiritual unity and power. As you call on Him together you are bonded to Him and to one another. As you interceed to God for one another, fellowship goes to another level. Love grows. Compassion grows. Trust develops. Friendship deepens.

Those are all healthy things!

You knew prayer was important but maybe you just didn't understand HOW important it is. Now you do! So, how will this influence your prayer life? What will you do differently in your prayer life - pray tell?

The old saying is trite but true, "The family that prays together stays together" and they like it!

Monday, August 23, 2010

August 23, 2010

"Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops. My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins." James 5:13-20
Next Sunday, the Lord willing, I will be closing out the Summer Sermon Series on James. In preparation for that I am sitting here trying to get my mind around the incredible truths of these concluding verses of this intensely practical book.
I have a lot of studying and meditation to do in order to do justice to these important insights. But, let me share an initial thought with you as we begin a new week.
James, in his book has been painting the picture of a healthy church. The Church of Jesus Christ has lost its initial momentum and has been scattered due to persecution so James writes this letter to call them back to what they should be. As one who has a passion to build a healthy church, James is a book I lean on heavily.
Summing up his counsel James ends with an admonition on pray. Makes sense doesn't it?
All this week and in my message Sunday we will be exploring prayer and its proper place in the Church but first let me establish a basic premise to build upon.
I believe one of the mistakes people make with prayer is they see it as a resource for getting what they desire from God.
How is that a mistake? Isn't that what prayer is for?
As I understand it prayer is a relationship with God and God is our resource. Prayer is NOT the resource it is the connection to our Resource.
Brad, that sounds like you are splitting hairs.
Not really. I think that is a significant distinction. If you prayer because you want to get something FROM God you will approach it much differently than if you want to pray so you can be WITH God. Do you see what I mean?
When I am in relationship with God I have everything I need! He IS what I need! There is nothing I need that He cannot provide for me. I don't ask God to give me what I want, I give God what HE wants - me! - all of me! I love Him. I lose myself in Him. I lead my life through His power and His truths. And in that relationship with Him, prayer becomes something that happens THROUGH me not something that happens TO me?
You may not agree with me on this at first thought. But I challenge you to give it a second thought. Meditate upon it. And then read James 5:13-20 from this perspective and see if it makes a difference in how this portion of Scripture plays out.
This IS a blog so give me some feedback!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

August 22, 2010

"Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord." James 5:10
James never says, "If you suffer", he assumes that Christians WILL suffer. And with good reason - you will!
I am not being morbid or negative but think with me why it must be true that believers will necessarily suffer. Either you will try to conform to the thoughts and behaviors of this world or you will surrender to the Lordship of Christ and follow Him. Those are your two options and either one will result in suffering.
If you are a believer and yet you are chasing the world filled with worldly desires and attitudes, God is going to discipline you through suffering. He loves you too much to allow you to walk away from Him and return to your self-centered life so He will allow difficulties to enter your life to chasten you.
And, if you are a believer and you sincerely and whole-heartedly follow Christ in humility obediece you will please your God BUT you will think and act in a way that is contrary to the world. So, at the same time you are pleasing God you will run into conflict with the people of the world.
Christians are stretched between two worlds. You can only live in one, so you will always be in opposition to one of them. That causes conflict and suffering.
Those James wrote his letter to were suffering because of their testimonies. They were trying to live for God and were running afoul of the world. The ways of the world and the people of the world were trying to push him into their mold. Their refusal to do so was bringing suffering upon them.
So, the decision is yours. You can suffer for doing right or you can suffer for doing wrong. Which will it be?
I know - you want another choice! You would rather not suffer at all!
Good luck with that one!
You can suffer for doing right now or you can try avoid suffering now and put yourself at risk of terrible suffering forever.
Choose how you will suffer!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 21, 2010

"Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near. Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door! Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord." James 5:7-10
This section of Scripture combines to concepts that we neither welcome or understand well - patience and suffering.
I guess that is precisely why James writes about it! We need to understand.
In our fast forward, full speed ahead world, we tend to think of patience as something passive - a waste of time. We don't wait well and we don't do silence very well.
Would it help if I told you that is not what is required here?
Just look at the illustration James uses to show what he means by patience. He uses the illustration of a farmer. I don't know if you grew up around farmers but I did. They are busy people. It is not like they plant their crop in the Spring and sit around all Summer waiting for the harvest. Their waiting for the crop to grow and ripen involves fertilizing it and weeding it and maybe even irrigating it during a prolonged dry spell. Waiting is an activity for farmers and they wait well because they know the payoff is coming with the harvest.
He also points to the spiritual fathers that we all admire. All of them suffered and all of them showed great patience during their period of pain. None more that Job, of course. But we learn from them another version of the same concept. While they were suffering they made positive use of their time. They sought God through prayer and fasting. The meditated on His Word. Mostly, they watched expectantly to see what He would do in the midst. These men of God knew that God never waists pain. He always uses suffering to shape us and mature us and give us understanding of Who He is and how He works. Through our suffering we identify more closely with His sufferings.
It is important to understand that James' admotion to be patient in suffering is not an encouragement to do nothing. We are not to resign ourselves to fate and wait like some helpless victim. Patience understands there are seasons in life and that each season has its purpose. Patience looks for God. Patience longs for God. Patience lives out God's word in obedience and faith. Patience understands that the harvest is coming and the pay off will be sweet!

Friday, August 20, 2010

August 20, 2010

"Above all, my brothers, do not swear—not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. Let your "Yes" be yes, and your "No," no, or you will be condemned." James 5:12

As I began studying this portion of Scripture it looked at first glance that it might be misplaced. I didn't immediately see how it fit in this section about suffering. But on further meditation I came to see it differently. In fact, the entire section hinges on this one verse!

How so?

What James is telling us in this verse is essentially, "don't play fast and loose with God's truth."
There is never a time when you can afford to depart from God's truth, but ESPECIALLY when you are suffering you need to cling to the truth of Who God is and what He can do. Pain has a way of negatively affecting our thinking. When you are hurting your mind is more susceptible to the lies of the enemy. Suffering can distort your perspective on God and put your future in doubt. That frame of mind can cause you to doubt God and doubt yourself and despair for your future.
Sound familiar?
Here are some ways your thinking gets distorted in the midst of suffering:
You tend to speculate.
When you don't understand what is happening to you or why you are going through it, your human tendency is to speculate why it is happening. You speculate that you may have done something wrong that caused the suffering - that God is puniching you. Or you speculate why God caused this thing to come upon you. Speculating leads you away from the truth and into doubt. If you want answers prayfully search His Word. Meditate don't speculate!
You tend to exaggerate.
If you allow yourself to get immersed in your own suffering you will give way to self-pity. Self-pity leads you to exaggerating your pain and underestimating God's power. Obviously, that is not a good combo.
Make sense?
When you consider the perils of speculation and exaggeration you begin to understand the importance of "letting your 'yes' be 'yes' and your 'no' be 'no'" Stay firmly rooted in the truth! Do not deviate one inch from what you know to be true about God. Let God be true and your pain, your doubt, your specualtions, your exaggerations - anything else be false!
What are you listening to?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

August 19, 2010

"Above all, my brothers, do not swear—not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. Let your "Yes" be yes, and your "No," no, or you will be condemned." James 5:12
I find it interesting that when a witness is sworn in by the court to testify he promises to "tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth."
Hold that thought as you take a look at our text this morning. Let's first take a look at this oath and then take a look at this verse and see how they intersect.
First, take a look at the oath. Does the oath imply that it is possible to tell a partial truth? It almost sounds like it. We know better. There is no other truth but the whole truth!
Second, by taking this truth are you conceeding that you are normally a liar? It almost sounds like that. To me it sounds like when you take that oath you are in effect, saying "I normally lie but this time I am going to tell the truth."
How much confidence does that inspire?
Third, if you can choose to tell the truth sometimes then why would you not tell the truth all the time?
If you appreciate the irony of this then you can understand the point that James is making in verse 12. Remember, too, that he is giving counsel and advice to Christians. That being true you would wonder why he has to tell them not to lie.
What are we called to do within a local church?
Right, we are to love each other.
What is important to being able to love each other?
Trust and respect are foundations upon which love is built. You will find it hard to love someone you can't trust or respect. That is one reason why truth telling is essential to a healthy church. Who wants to be part of a fellowship where you can't trust one another?
Me neither.
So, the purpose of a legal trial in a court room is to arrive at the truth via evidence and the testimony of witnesses. Understanding that, how many lies would it take to subvert that process? Not many! Maybe one!?
The purpose of the church is to proclaim the truth through the evidence of honest living and truth telling. How many dishonest people does it take to negatively impact the testimony of a church? Not many! Maybe one.
In a court room, a false testimony could cost the life of a defendent.
In the church fellowship distorting the truth could cost an eternal soul.
When you made the decision to become a Christ-follower you committed to become a truth-teller. As a Christian you are in a personal faith relationship with Jesus - The Truth. So how can you walk in faith and not live in truth. You don't need an oath you need obedience. Seek the truth and speak the truth.
Will you walk in truth today?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

August 18, 2010

"Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy." James 5:10-11
Dustin Johnson is a young golfer who has risen to fame on the PGA Tour this year because he had a chance to win the last two major championships in 2010.
In June he had the lead heading into the final round of the US Open at Pebble Beach and then shot a terrible round in the 80's to finish well out of the lead. That's rather embarrassing for a pro.
Last Sunday, Johnson was on the 72nd and final hole of the PGA Championship and just had to make par to win the tournament. But he accidently broke a rule and was charged a two-stroke penalty that cost him another chance to win.
That has to be tough to take. But when he was interviewed Monday after returning to his home in Myrtle Beach he replied, "It's over! I've put it out of my mind!"
He has decided not to look back.
Usually, it is good to put the past behind us. But in regard to our Scripture today, there are times when it is good to look back - way back.
One of the things suffering does is to compress time. When you are under stress and in pain each moment seems like an hour. Mired in such misery causes you to think you may never find relief. It can bring you to despair and can also cause you to have regrets over actions or decisions you made.
Such morbid self-analysis only adds to the pain.
So, what does James say about this? That brings us to his third piece of advice in this Scripture, Look Back And Be Challenged.
In other words, James tells us, "If you are going to look back - look WAY back!" When you are suffering look back to the prophets and the saints and the Savior Himself to learn how they handled suffering.
What can that do for you?
Look At Their Example - "Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord”
Somewhere along the way we Christians arrived at the impression that suffering because of our faith is an unusual occurance. Nothing could be further from the truth. You would be hard pressed to find Fathers of the Faith who did not suffer.
When you choose to live godly in an ungodly world, what makes you think you won't run into some opposition?
Since you will suffer as they suffered why not learn how they handled it?
Look At Their Excellence – “As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about”
Few people have suffered more severely than Job. And none have handled it better. He displayed excellence in his attitudes, his actions and his words. Not once did he accuse God or impugn God or even complain against God. How good is that!? He proclaimed humbly and sincerely, "Though He slay me yet will I serve Him!" Excellent!
Look At Their Experience – “The Lord is full of compassion and mercy”
How does one come to know the compassion and mercy of God? By needing it! By finding Him faithful and able when you need Him! When you need His strength - you'll find it. When you need His comfort - you'll have it. When you need His courage - you'll have it.
Faith begins from hearing about God. Faith grows by accepting Him and coming to know Him. But faith is established by experiencing Him in all His glory, and power, and love. The only thing better than a powerful and perfect God is a PERSONAL God!
Are you suffering? If not, you will be at some time. When you face that time, look up and be courageous, look in and become clean and look back and be challenged!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 17, 2010

"You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near. Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!" James 5:8-9
Of all the virtues that are in short supply these days, patience must be near the top of the list. Who among us couldn't stand to be a little more patient? I see you raising your hand! Well, at least you are not like this guy:
A man in Los Angeles, California was arrested for negligent discharge of a weapon after shooting his toilet bowl five times with a 38 caliber handgun. He claims that he just got upset. He couldn’t take it any longer. His daughter had flushed a hairbrush earlier in the day and clogged the pipes. So he shot the offending toilet. I have no word on the toilet’s condition, but the man’s patience was long gone.
To protect your toilet or your cat or whatever else becomes the target of your impatience, I am sharing some insights from James 5 to help you develop in this vital area.
In the last post I pointed out how James encouraged you to Look Up And Be Courageous.
Today, he counsels you to Look In And Become Clean.
This insight is based on verses 8-9. Take a look with me.
Just be honest with yourself. Impatience and all the negative thoughts, attitudes and actions that come with it do not issue from a heart that is pure. So, your impatience is evidence that there needs to be some heart cleansing done. The guy in California didn't blast his toilet because he had an attack of maturity.
So, the intensely practical James deals with some solutions for the impatience problem. You must deal with it from the insight out.
V. 8 - "be patient" - the cure for impatience is to consciously and intentionally choose to act patient. Don't pick up the gun to shoot your toilet. Instead, pick up the plunger or pick up the phone to call a plumber. Those are the actions of a mature person concerned about practicing patience. Patience, like everything else in life, is mastered one decision at a time by the grace of God.
Think about the options. You can wait (impatiently) until you somehow manage to FEEL patient or you can choose to DO something patient. And, if you prove to yourself that you can do it once, then you know you can do it again!
V. 8 - "stand firm" - do you know what one of the hardest things is for impatient people to do? To stand still! James says stand firm! How do you stand firm? Find something firm and then stand there! What is more firm than your faith in God and His Word. In the context of this verse Paul is saying, "stand on the firm promise of Christ's return!" Know that He is in control. Know that your struggles and your suffering are not forever.
V. 9 - "Don't grumble against each other" - one of the things impatient people do is grumble. If you want to master impatience get a grip on your grumbling. Ever notice how impatient people are not only impatient with themselves they are impatient with others, too? James says to deal with that! You can stop yourself from grumbling and when you do you have dealt a blow against impatience.
How about this? While you are standing firm on the precious promises of God, why not rejoice that your Christian brothers also have the same promises!
In his counsel for dealing with impatience, James says, "Look inside and cleanse yourself from the causes of impatience." Memorize the promises of God. Believe in those promises. Cling to them! And when you know them and when you REALLY believe them it will help you with impatience because it is as though have already happened! When you wait ON God you wait WITH God!
Practice patience patiently while God removes the impatience through the power of His presence and His promises!

Monday, August 16, 2010

August 16, 2010

"Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near." James 5:7-8

My mother always told me, "Good things come in small packages." I always wondered if she said that because she is pretty tiny.

But in her case and in reference to the Book of James that we have been studying, it IS true.

In just five brief chapters James hits on some issues crucial to being an effective Christian and building a healthy church. I found it particularly timely for where FredWes is in the Summer of 2010.

One of the persistent themes of James is how to respond during suffering and struggles. Perhaps that was because these believers were facing both on a daily basis. Because they took a stand for their Christian faith they were targeted for abuse and discrimination. Even some within in the church were cheating them - as we just learned in the previous verses.

So, how should Christians respond in the face of suffering?

James offers four pieces of helpful advice here in the middle portion of Chapter 5.
The first thing he tells you is: Look Up And Be Courageous!
V. 7 says, "be patient". The word for "patience" is "makrothumeo". It literally means to wait! Wait with steadfastness. Wait with certainty. This is the same thought the Psalmist expressed when admonished "be still and know that I am God".
This is the same mindset you have when you hold on to your old clunker of a car for one more year knowing that at that time you will be able to trade it on a shiny new one!
The reason you can be patient and wait calmly and courageously is because you are certain of God's return. You live with certainty that one day He will return and all will be made right OR you will go to be will Him and suffering and strife will be over!
Another mindset you can develop to help you wait with patience is to understand that just like there are seasons in nature, there are seasons in life. Seasons come and go and change and it happens every year so you adjust and find things to enjoy about each season while you await the next one.
When life gets tough and you are struggling - LOOK UP! You can live courageously knowing that suffering is only for a season! You can be patient. You can be passionate. You can rest on His promises! You can live with purpose and power knowing that God has it all under control!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

August 15, 2010

A well-worn dollar bill met a raggedy looking 20 dollar bill as they were about to be destroyed at the Federal Reserve. They twenty was telling the dollar bill of all the exciting places he had been in his long and full lifetime. After describing his great travels, the $20 dollar bill asked the $1 dollar bill, "What about you? Where have you been?" The $1 dollar replied, "Well, I've been to the Baptist church, the Methodist church, the Presbyterian church, the Episcopalian church the Church of God in Christ, the Catholic church, the Mormon church, the A.M.E. church, the Disciple of Christ church, The Wesleyan Church, the... "WAIT A MINUTE! WAIT A MINUTE !!", shouted the $20 dollar bill to the $1 dollar bill. "What's a church??"
GOOD QUESTION - What IS a church? What SHOULD it be? We have learning about that as we have made our way through James this Summer.

This morning we are going to study James 5:1-6 and examine our attitude toward material possessions.


The Bible nowhere condemns wealth. It just insists that the rich must be responsible, and aware of the perils of wealth. The most important aspect of money management is the control of our attitude towards it. Money is not “the root of all evil” as Paul is often misquoted. His actual words are, “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil” (1 Tim. 6:10). James did not consider it a sin to be rich. His concern was with the abuse of riches that caused God to be forgotten. Let me take a second and see what went wrong with the rich man.

• He hoarded everything he had. • Because he hoarded everything and would not give anything up, he cheated anytime he could so he could keep his wealth.
• His failure to pay his workmen resulted in their going hungry, possibly to the point of dying.
• He wasted his life on the goal of acquisition of wealth.
• He allowed possessions to consume his life completely.

Charles Swindoll in some of his writings pointed out there are different types of poverty:

First, there are those who are poor WITHOUT and poor WITHIN.

Second, there are those who are rich WITHOUT and rich WITHIN.

Third, there are those who are poor WITHOUT and rich WITHIN.

Fourth, there are those who are rich WITHOUT and poor WITHIN.



James brings several charges against the unjust rich. He accuses them of insensitivity, injustice, indulgence and independence.
A. Insensitivity - vv. 2-3

James hated the insensitivity that failed to alleviate the needs of the unfortunate, while hoarding wealth for selfish pleasures or for no purpose at all. They were insensitive first, to proper priorities and values; and secondly to the needs of others.

There is the story of John G. Wendel and his sisters. Even though they had received a huge inheritance from their parents, they were some of the most miserly people of all time, they spent very little of it and did all they could to keep their wealth for themselves.John was able to influence five of his six sisters never to marry, and they lived in the same house in New York City for 50 years. When the last sister died in 1931, her estate was valued at more than $100 million. Yet, her only dress was one that she had made herself, and had worn for 25 years.The Wendels had such a compulsion to hold on to their possessions that they lived like paupers. Even worse, they were like the kind of person Jesus referred to "who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God" (Luke 12:21). Daily Walk, June 2, 1993.Or take Bertha Adams. She died in 1976 at the age of 71, on Easter Sunday in Palm Beach, FL. Coroner’s report ... she died of malnutrition, weighing 50 pounds. Begged for food. Her home was a "pigpen .. big mess!" They thought she died penniless. Two keys found among her belongings were to a couple of safe deposit boxes. In one box they found 700 shares of AT&T stock and $200,000. In the other they found $600,000 in cash.
To stockpile wealth demonstrates insensitivity to priorities. Worse, it shows insensitivity to people. James said earlier, “Anyone...who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins” (4:17). What a colossal sin to see others perishing in bitter need while you store up goods you can never use. In the end your wealth is lost and the poor remain destitute. How can there be such callous disregard for others?

B. Injustice - vv. 4a, 6

These rich were guilty of great injustice. They not only defrauded the poor workers, they paid off the judges and undermined the courts of justice. James charged them with no less than murder.

The rich also used their influence and social standing to oppose the poor who brought charges against them. “Condemn” (v. 6) is a judicial term and suggests that they may have perverted the legal processes to accumulate property and wealth. The wealthy often have political power and can buy what they want. A joke says, “The Golden Rule is that ‘Whoever has the gold makes the rules!’” The destitute workers had the just cause, but the courts were controlled by the affluent. James says, “You have condemned and murdered innocent men....”

The Lord Almighty is a name for the Omnipotent God of all power. He is deeply concerned about justice for the poor and insignificant. He cares for the downtrodden. He cares so much that He sent His Son to dwell among insignificant people. Jesus was born of a poor virgin in a borrowed barn and was buried in a borrowed tomb. He knows all about injustice.

One unknown writer described His ministry:The preacher never stopped talking about money.The congregation clutched their billfolds and squirmed.He told them not to worry so much about stuff that’ll rot.He told them that the folding stuff was not the currency to buy meaning and happiness.He singled out one man and told him to sell everything and then give the proceeds to the poor.He had them shaking their heads when he said, “Happy are the poor.”Some of the best-dressed stomped out, their noses in the air.A few of the wealthy and powerful slipped quietly into a backroom and had a contract put out on the young preacher’s life.And it only cost them thirty pieces of silver.

Jesus knows injustice.

C. Indulgence - v. 5

These selfish rich were flaunting their wealth by buying luxurious stuff in the face of other's suffering.

D. Independence

We’ve heard of people like that. People who hoard every penny they have, but never have the joy of spending it or giving it away. In those days wealth consisted primarily of food, garments and money. The wealthy ate well, dressed well and spent lavishly. James says, “Your wealth (probably referring to food) has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded.” They carefully accumulated foods, fashions, and fortunes, only to find them worthless. Things were valued so highly that they had no need for God.

Those are the things that God – and everyone else dislike about rich people! It’s not their wealth it what it tends to do to people who put too much trust in their riches.


A. Make God Your Source

Change your affections – “Where your treasure is…….”

B. Make Serving God Your Course

Change your attitude – IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU!

C. Make Stewardship Your Force

Change your approach – Honor God with the tithe & offerings

In 1985, Chuck Colson was on the Bill Buckley television program, talking about restitution and criminal justice. A few days later he got a call from Jack Eckerd, a businessman from Florida, the founder of the Eckerd Drug chain, the second largest drug chain in America. He saw him on television and asked him to come to Florida. He agreed Florida had a criminal justice crisis, would he come down and do something about it? And we did. We went around the State of Florida advocating criminal justice reforms, and everywhere we would go Jack Eckerd would introduce me to the crowds and say, "This is Chuck Colson, I met him on Bill Buckley’s television program. He’s born again, I’m not. I wish I were." Then he’d sit down.
About a year went by and I kept pestering Jack Eckerd about faith in Jesus. Eventually one day he read some things including the story of Watergate and the Resurrection out of my book, Loving God, he decided that Jesus was, in fact, resurrected from the dead. He called me up to tell me he believed. When he got through telling me what he believed I said, "You’re born again!"
e said, "Marvelous!" The first thing he did was to walk into one of his drugstores and walked down through the book shelves and he saw Playboy and Penthouse. He’d seen it there many times before, but it never bothered him before. Now he saw them with new eyes. He’d become a Christian.

He went back to his office. He called in his president. He said, "Take Playboy and Penthouse out of my stores. The president said, "You can’t mean that, Mr. Eckerd. We make $3M a year on them." Eckerd said, "Take them out of my stores." And in 1,700 stores across America, those magazines were removed from the shelves, because a man had given his life to Christ.
Colson called Jack Eckerd and asked "Did you do that because of your commitment to Christ?" He said, "Why else would I give away $3 M? The Lord wouldn’t let me off the hook." Isn’t that marvelous? God wouldn’t let me off the hook.And what happened after that is a wonderful sequel and a wonderful demonstration of what happens in our culture today. Jack Eckerd wrote a letter to all the other drugstore operators, all the other chains, and he said, "I’ve taken them out of my store, why don’t you take them out of yours?" Nobody answered him. So he wrote them more letters. Then Eckerd’s Drugs began to get floods of people coming in to buy things because they’d taken Playboy and Penthouse out. And so People’s Drug Store, and then Dart Drugs, and then Revco removed them from their shelves. While the pornography commission in Washington was debating what to do about pornography, across America, one by one, stores were removing them. And the 7-11 chairman, who sits on Jack Eckerd’s board, finally gave in, and 5,000 7-11 stores removed them. In 12 months, 11,000 retail outlets in America removed Playboy and Penthouse, not because somebody passed a law, but because God wouldn’t let one of His men off the hook. That’s what brings change.

Isn’t that an amazing story. Jack Eckerd risked losing $3M per year because a very wealthy man found true riches. That’s a great testimony about our faith in Christ and what we are compelled to do!
How about you? How is your heart toward you money and your material possessions? Do you own them or do they own you? Is your “stuff” more important to you than your salvation?

What would you have done if you were Mr. Eckard?

Are you trusting in your savings for your security? Do you spend more time checking the stock market than the Scriptures?

We are headed for economic times like we have never seen, wealth is going to disappear, everything you have worked for and depended on is going to be worthless,

What then?


- YOUR DATE BOOK – How am I spending my time? What am I planning?
- YOUR CHECK BOOK – How am I spending my money? Am I a steward?