Friday, August 4, 2017

August 5, 2017

"About eight days after saying this, he climbed the mountain to pray, taking Peter, John, and James along. While he was in prayer, the appearance of his face changed and his clothes became blinding white. At once two men were there talking with him. They turned out to be Moses and Elijah—and what a glorious appearance they made! They talked over his exodus, the one Jesus was about to complete in Jerusalem. Meanwhile, Peter and those with him were slumped over in sleep. When they came to, rubbing their eyes, they saw Jesus in his glory and the two men standing with him. When Moses and Elijah had left, Peter said to Jesus, “Master, this is a great moment! Let’s build three memorials: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” He blurted this out without thinking. While he was babbling on like this, a light-radiant cloud enveloped them. As they found themselves buried in the cloud, they became deeply aware of God. Then there was a voice out of the cloud: “This is my Son, the Chosen! Listen to him.” When the sound of the voice died away, they saw Jesus there alone. They were speechless. And they continued speechless, said not one thing to anyone during those days of what they had seen." Luke 9:28-36

Just eight days after declaring that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of the Living God, Peter gets an eyewitness verification of Jesus' identity. He, James and John, got a first-hand look at the divinity and the glory of Jesus!

And not only did the get to see the Glorified Jesus but he saw Moses and Elijah, too! This was indeed a mountain-top experience!

How amazing would that be?

Can you imagine?

I have experienced some mountain-top moments in my life. No doubt you have, too. Hopefully, this week was one of those mountain-top experiences for you!

When I was a teenager and a young adult camp meetings were still in vogue. Powerful evangelists would come to a campground tabernacle accompanied by talented musicians and the Holy Spirit would fall. My life was profoundly affected during those meetings.

But, the week would end and I would return to the problems that awaited in my everyday life. The emotions and euphoria would fade and I was face to face with overwhelming realities again.

Like Peter, I wished I could build a place where I could remain on the mountain-top.

So, how do you remain high on Jesus when you have to come down the mountain?

That IS the question isn't it?

I will have more to say on this in my next post but here's the short answer:

When the feelings are gone replace them with faithfulness.

I know, it's easier said than done but it can be done!

Just think about it, it took faithful obedience to allow God to do the work in your heart that released those powerful emotions in the first place. Feelings always follow faith. That is a fact! So, when the feelings wane stay faithful and the feelings will return!

Walking with God requires faithfulness! Feelings are optional!

How do you stay high on Jesus after you come down from the mountain-top?

Replace feelings with faithfulness!


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