Thursday, July 28, 2016

July 28, 2016

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Mark 1:17

As I noted earlier there are three things necessary to be a follower of Jesus.

You must acknowledge Him as your leader.

You must follow Him exclusively and enthusiastically go where ever He leads you.

You must do what your leader does and what He wants you to do.

If you say you are following but are not fulfilling those three requirements you are not actually following.

When you understand those three facts about following it becomes clear to you why Jesus requires you to deny yourself and take up your cross. 

It is your nature to want to lead rather than follow. So, if you are going to follow Jesus you must deny that part of your nature. Those ambitions must be nailed to a cross.

And, it is your nature to go where you want to go not where you are told to go. In fact, you resent it when someone tries to make you go somewhere. So, if you are going to follow Jesus where He wants to lead you, you must deny your desires and submit to His direction. Followers go where their leader leads!

Finally, attitudes that are not worthy of Jesus must be denied and actions that dishonor Him must be put to death. 

Following Christ is a matter of dying and denying your selfish sinful nature on a daily basis. Jesus' earthly walk led Him to a cross and following Him will lead you to some crosses.

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