Friday, November 20, 2015

November 21, 2015

"This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I'll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that that there is a God in Israel."
I Samuel 17:46

Do you think it is important for the whole world to know about our God?

David thought so and he though it was worth fighting a giant over it. There is time to get some courage and confront a giant.

Defending the Name of God is a cause for fighting giants.

Defending the Fame of God IS a cause for fighting giants.

The giant was cursing God and defaming Him. That was unacceptable to David because he knew God's Name and God's fame must be honored! David understood that if he remained silent his silence would join in the dishonoring of God. David knew that either Goliath would define God's character to the world or he would. He refused to allow an ungodly Philistine to defame the God of Abraham! 

David's courage arose from the cause of defending his God.

Confronting Starbucks over their cup design is not a cause for fighting a giant. Retail stores refusing to say, "Merry Christmas is not a cause for fighting giants.

Giant attacks on the Name of God and the Nature of God are a call to war. 

You must be courageous to speaking the truth in the face of political correctness.

You must be courageous to live godly lives in an ungodly culture.

You must be courageous to preach the Gospel in a world that is often offended by it.

You must be courageous to reach out to hurting people in the Name of the Lord and offering help, hope and healing.

You must be committed to supporting the ministry and message of your local church as it seeks to make Him known in your community!

You must be committed to sending and supporting missionaries to declare God's fame around the world!

Courage arises as you love God's Name and God's Fame more than you love your own life.

Giants can fall when God's people stand in His strength and courageously declare the truth about our God!

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