Wednesday, November 18, 2015

November 18, 2015

“And David said, What have I now done? Is there not a cause?” I Samuel 17:28

I have identified four factors that build courage:

1) God’s Credentials – He is the Creator Who spoke the universe into existence from nothing.
2) God’s Character – He is still the same God today that Created the universe with His word.
3) God’s Calling – The God Who can do everything can so something through me.
4) God’s Cause – Courage rises from the conviction God’s cause is worth fighting for.

Young David the shepherd boy was sent by his father, Jesse, to bring provisions to his three brothers who were soldiers in the Army of God. What he found when he arrived was not what he had expected. David was expecting to see a fighting force but instead he saw a frightened force.
Every day for 40 days, Goliath the massive Philistine had stepped forward to challenge the army of Israel and curse their God and for 40 days they cowered in fear.

An army that has forgotten what it is fighting for is not worth much. Goliath found it amusing and David found it annoying.

David was confident in God’s credentials. He saw a Giant God but they saw a godless giant.

David was confident in God’s character. He knew God was as powerful and present as ever but they doubted their God.

David was confident God had called him. He had killed a lion and he had killed a bear with his own hands. The only call they could hear was Goliath’s taunts.

David was zealous for the cause of God. I will be writing about the three great causes that David was compelled to fight for. The army of God was compelled by their fears.

What David found upon arriving at the battle front only increased his zeal. When he pressed the issue with his brothers he was rebuked by them. That is when he questioned their courage and resolve with his question, “Is there not a cause?”

Just like an army without a compelling cause is worthless, so is a local church. And so is a follower of Christ.

Your world is filled with giants. Are you confronting them or cowering from them?

Let me ask you, “What is the compelling cause that drives your life?”

Is that cause worth living for?

Is your cause worth fighting for?

Are you willing to die for your cause?

Those are defining questions that demand and deserve serious consideration.

An army without a cause to fight for should not engage the battle. Armies are called together to fight.

A church without a cause is going to drift and decay.

And a Christian without a cause will have little impact.

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