Tuesday, October 27, 2015

October 27, 2015

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for....." Hebrews 11:1

So, according to this phrase from Scripture faith is the substance that leads to hope.

Okay, so what is it that faith hopes for?

"And faith is the substance of things hoped for anyone who comes to God must believe that He exists and that He is the rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." Hebrews 11:6

Pleasing God is the primary hope of faith! You cannot please God without having faith and without living by your faith!

And quite honestly, you cannot enjoy the pleasure of knowing God unless you have faith that pleases Him! 

Hope then becomes both part and proof of the substance of faith! When you have hope you know faith is active in your life!

Abel's desire to please God led him to present an obedient sacrifice to God. Cain wanted to please God without faith. Abel found hope while Cain found hatred.

Abraham walked by faith because he hoped to please God and because He had hope God would keep His promise. We know that he DID please God and God DID deliver on His promise to Abraham. His hope inspired his faith and his faith sustained his hope!

Noah's faith was inspired by the desire to please God and the hope of saving his family from God's judgment. He pleased God, found that God REALLY is the rewarder of those who seek His will! Noah's hopes were rewarded by the substance of his faith!

Moses initially hoped God would NOT call him! But the need to please God allowed God to plant hope in Moses' heart. History records that Moses pleased God more than any other human being other than Jesus.

The primary substance of faith is the hope of pleasing God! The reward of faith is receiving hope from God!

What are you hoping for?

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