Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 30, 2013

“Train up a child in the way he should go and even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

We began our VBS this evening and we had a bunch of high energy, fun-loving little ones invading our church!

Our staff had planned well and was prepared for the arrival of this collection of cute and curious kids!

As I was observing the high octane activities being enjoyed by the kids and by the adults who were leading them, it occurred to me we were helping "train up" these youngsters in the Way! Using contemporary and creative methods in the limited time we have, we are attempting to infuse some life-altering truths into their fertile little minds that will attach to their eternal spirits.

Before the week is over we will have several children make decisions to trust Christ as their Savior! We will be used by God to set them on the road to righteousness and eternal life.
This is precisely what we, as Christian parents, are exhorted and expected to do. Our responsibility as a church is to support the parents in "Training up a child in the way he should go" so that when they become adolescents and adults, they won't depart from this way AND will then  they will raise up the next generation of believers as we have instructed them.

Please allow me to unpack this word "train" over these next several posts so you will have a clear and complete understanding of what your parental role is in shaping your children to become saints.

The word “train” is a loaded word in the Hebrew language in which it was originally written and you can render it several ways: “to narrow, to initiate or discipline; to dedicate" or, as I will interpret them: "to define", "to direct, to discipline" and "to dedicate".

Each of these concepts represent an aspect of training that is necessary to shape the soul of your sons and daughters.

First, you must "define" the Christian worldview and values in your children so they can compredend God's vision for His creation. Your child is on a steep learning curve you must define how his reality should be shaped according to the Word of God.

What is right for your children?

You must define that for him/her! That is what God calls and commands you to do in regard to your children!

Someone WILL shape your children's values and views according their value system and once those values and views are written on their soul, they are hard to erase!

That someone had better be you!


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