Sunday, February 17, 2013

February 18, 2013

"But when Jesus turned and looked at his disciples, he rebuked Peter. “Get behind me, Satan!” he said. “You do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” Mark 8:33
Jesus rebuked Peter.
It isn't fun be rebuked.
I think it would be less fun to be rebuked by Jesus, especially after Peter had just been praised by Jesus.
The rebuke of Jesus to Peter was strong and it was stern. This word used for "rebuke" is the same word that was used when Jesus rebuked the storm on the sea. And it is the word used when Jesus rebuked demons and disease.
But wait a moment! What happened each time Jesus rebuked those forces? Change is what happened! A storm calmed down! Demons fled!  Diseases where healed!
There is power in the rebukes of Jesus and it is positive power.
Although this  rebuke of Jesus did not immediately change Peter, we know that eventually there was a dramatic and fundamental in him. That is the primary reason we are even talking about Him!
If you want to be changed in your soul you must be willing to receive the rebukes of Jesus.
Are you willing allow Jesus to rebuke you so He can begin to rewire you?

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