Thursday, November 8, 2012

November 9, 2012

"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19
Notice this great promise does not say, "And my government will meet all your needs....." I suspect there were tens of millions of voters last Tuesday who were not aware of the truth promised in this text.

As the experts research the post-election data one of the things that seems to be apparent is a lot of people voted for the candidate they thought would give them the most stuff. We may have arrived at a point in our country where more people look to government for their needs than those who look to God.

It will be a sad day for our nation if government takes the place of God because the Epistle to the Philippians clearly proclaims God's promise to supply our needs.
Here's some ways God wants to supply all my needs:

By supplication I mean I trust God to provide what I need and so, I pray and He provides a job. Then I trust Him for strength and health to do the job He provides.


I have a need and I trust my Christian friends at my church to sacrifice and help meet my need. And when others have a need I sacrifice to help them.


Sometimes when there is not a job to be had or when my health prevents me from working and my church family can't meet my need then God does a miracle to provide a way to meet my need.
You can trust government for your needs, I choose to trust God to meet mine. He can meet needs in a lot of different ways - supplication, sacrifice, or supernaturally!
Do you have a need you can trust Him for?

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