Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 3, 2010

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds," James 1:2

One of the joys of the Summer season is road construction. There is nothing more thrilling than hurrying to an important appointment only to come upon a line of stalled traffic behind a sign that declares "men working". How inspiring to sit at the far end of a long line of vehicles in searing heat on steamy pavements while men who are allegedy working - aren't.
How can you count that as a joy?
I'll be honest that at the time it isn't easy to appreciate the inconvenience of the moment. But months later when that extra lane is open or those pot holes are filled or that smooth layer of new pavement is completed that is a different story. But you don't get the improvement without the interruption. That's life.
In James' Epistle he tells you that trials and testings are like a "God at work" sign set in front of your life. If you are a Christ-follower and times of difficulty come it indicates that God is at work in your life. It can be inconvenient. It can be an interruption. It can be downright painful! But it is also necessary.
How are you to respond? "Consider it pure joy" James says.
So, how does that work? How can you be joyful when you are going nowhere and taking the heat? It's not easy. But the same God Who is doing the construction offers to also give the joy but you are responsible to take charge of your attitude. If you will ask Him He will enable you to have the proper perspective on the situation. He can give you the patience to endure knowing that when He has completed His work it will be well worth it!
Everyone of us are a work in progress and God is always at work. However, there are some seasons where construction is more obvious and more extensive and more intrusive than at other times. When you see the "God at Work" sign look beyond it. Try to envision the finished product and be thankful that God is invested in your improvement. He is totally committed to shape you into the image of His Son.
Is it construction season in your life? Oh, joy!

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